Mother Trucker or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Lorry

I’ve wanted to try Dim and Den Sum for over a year. To put it lightly, they’re famous around here in the Land of Cleve. They’re one of the first food trucks to show up around the midwest. And while all you west-coasters will be rolling your eyes, we take a little longer around here […]

Verlangen nach Deutschland…

…and not least because of food fests like only the Saarland can deliver.

And THIS is why festivals in the Saarland rock.

I’d Love You to Love Me

But I think I forgot the safety word.

I stopped in my local Penzey’s Spices today to restock on a few of my favorite things. Namely the Szechuan Peppercorn Salt, but walked out with a few more things I use all the time: chipotle powder and ancho powder.

I absolutely love this store. They procure […]

Ingredients 101: l’Onion

I begin with the onion, as it is the staple in almost every dish conceived in the two millennia. Also, in my past there exists an incident in that a friend was completely unable to choose a quality onion from the grocery store stock, a feat which is by no means difficult, and thus left […]

Not Bad for Leftovers

Not to be out-done by my old-country brethren and sisterren, I bring you the obligatory short post that shows I still have one or two tricks up mein sleeve. Although not so much in the German way. The sausage is weak with this one.

…Yeah, that’s what I mean.

Anywho, I love my Crock Pot. […]

Learn German by Cooking pt.2!

Ja, wir kochen weiter auf Deutsch! If you haven’t already mastered the fine art of cooking Bratwurst in beer, you may want to brush up on that. Of course, perhaps you already have that skill down to the point that you could do it in your sleep except for the fact that you can’t sleep […]

Learn German by Cooking!

This summer I had the exciting opportunity to keep being employed for at least two months longer by teaching the second semester of a two-part course: “German for Graduate Reading Knowledge.” The point is to teach graduate students who might have to read texts in German how to do that without having to go to […]