
The folks at FiveThirtyEight (they of the numbers for everything) recently published some really interesting statistics on alcohol consumption by type (beer/wine/liquor) and per capita in almost 200 countries around the world. The data is compiled with the help of numbers from the World Health Organization and the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, […]

Quickies (with Amon): Bring back your dead!

Corpse Revivers are an old hair-of-the-dog staple from pre-prohibition days. You know—the sort of classic drink that was invented to make you feel better the morning after a night in which you had too many classic drinks. There are several different corpse revivers and they are super different, so you should probably experiment repeatedly to […]

Quickies (with Amon): Feeling blue?

I don’t know what things are like in your part of the world as you read this, but over here in my part of the world as I write this, things are totally wacked out. Now, I understand the whole “April Showers” thing, I really do. But I’m starting to get the impression that Spring […]

You Ain’t Got the Stones

I don’t expect it’s any secret that I enjoy an adult beverage or 7. And while vin rouge is my true poison, I do loves me a nice whiskey. Frequently.

This brings up two intertwined issues. One: I enjoy whiskey at an ever so slightly cool temperature, and two: I enjoy whiskey neat.

The simple […]

Quickies (with Amon): Rickey Rolled

You want a drink that ain’t never gonna give you up or let you down?

Well the Rickey ain’t no stranger to love. Not to mention the fact that it can be made with various kinds of booze, so even if you run out of one kind, the Rickey ain’t gonna desert you. It was […]

What doesn’t kill you…

Normally when I see a recipe or ingredient list if the first thought that crosses my mind is “that sounds really weird” then it’s a good bet that the second thought will be “I bet it’s either really good or really bad.” The third thought is, of course, “I kind of want to try it.” […]

Quickies (with Falquan): Tender is the Taco

Let’s drive Cameros and eat tacos!

Roasted pork tenderloin tacos, corn tortillas, guacamole, fresh salsa and cilantro. The pork had a chili/cumin/coriander rub on the outside, and was roasted at 400 degrees until internal temp was at 147 degrees (and I’m still not dead!).

Also implicated: jargaritas.


Jalisco hit the bar!

Over the summer, the Gastrognome and I were lucky enough to make a short trip out to visit ye ol’ Bay Area. The first stop on our journey, however, was unfortunately nowhere near our final destination. Indeed, there was more potential for us to be stranded in a dank and odious wasteland, struggling desperately against […]

Itsh time for shome shcotch!

Hey, you! Yes, you! What’s that you’re drinking there? Does it simultaneously taste like fine, malted barley and smoked ham? If yes, then I like the cut of your jib. If no, then I must ask, why the hell not? Surely there can be no more gentlemanly a combination than a fine scotch and a […]

Pierce the heavens!

Buckle on your party pants men–and I do mean MEN, because boys are not allowed–this train is leaving the station at a speed most human minds cannot even begin to comprehend. White Dog #1 in not your standard whiskey. It is not even your standard booze. It is an apotheosis of moonshine, a fusion of […]