Now THIS is art!

It is, admittedly horrifying on more levels than I care to process in a single sitting, but hey, it’s like that saying about train wrecks and not being able to stop looking.

Double Down Hot Dog

It even features chick ‘n cheese, what ever the damn hell that is!

And in case you prefer your […]


I require and demand all my vegetables bravely face their inevitable end from this point forward.

Quickies (with Amon): Bring back your dead!

Corpse Revivers are an old hair-of-the-dog staple from pre-prohibition days. You know—the sort of classic drink that was invented to make you feel better the morning after a night in which you had too many classic drinks. There are several different corpse revivers and they are super different, so you should probably experiment repeatedly to […]

Veloces (con Falquan): Delizioso Colla





Goddamned dough sticks to everything. It’s like I’m rubber and it’s glue and everything it comes into contact with is also glue. And F it too.




What? I’m not going to post a picture.




Little known fact, pizzas are made of hate.

Shut […]

Quickies (with Amon): the Right Stuff

What holiday is coming up soon? Why it’s my favorite holiday of the year! (Even if calling it a “holiday” is a bit over the top.) Yes friends, I’m talking about Cinco de Mayo. And even though I don’t know anybody in Puebla I would be lying if I didn’t say that I think there […]

Quickies (with Amon): Feeling blue?

I don’t know what things are like in your part of the world as you read this, but over here in my part of the world as I write this, things are totally wacked out. Now, I understand the whole “April Showers” thing, I really do. But I’m starting to get the impression that Spring […]

Quickies (with Princesszyrtec): Bi-curryous

Curious to see if I could create something other than salads or sandwiches, I begged my friend Ahmad for his mother’s recipe for dry curried chicken. While most stores now sell pre-mixed Indian spice blends like garam masala or prepared curry, Ahmad’s mother custom blends her own sweet spice mix. After picking up some spices […]

Rapides (avec Falquan): La Vache

Fine, call me light in l’œufs, but I now demand fried egg on everything. After seeing Amon’s previous post, and having a delightful lunch at Nano Brew, I continue to assume that anything can be made better with a fried egg (yolk still running all over the god-damned plate, please).

Stella Artois was […]

Quickies (with Amon): Waiting for the Spring

Sometimes a freak snow storm comes through your neighborhood long after both that stupid Pennsylvania rodent and the Spring Equinox have indicated that winter is supposed to be waaaaaaay over.

So you need something to keep you warm and happy and NOT running around screaming and shaking your fists at the sky in rage.


Quickies (with Amon): Rickey Rolled

You want a drink that ain’t never gonna give you up or let you down?

Well the Rickey ain’t no stranger to love. Not to mention the fact that it can be made with various kinds of booze, so even if you run out of one kind, the Rickey ain’t gonna desert you. It was […]