7 minutes (or 2 weeks) in Heaven (Part It Doesn’t Matter Anymore)

Travelling. North it was. To a place. Seattle maybe? No wait! You weren’t supposed to know that! Professor will hit me!

Well, the narrator blew it and already told you the destination. And undermined the whole Odyssey thing even more.

Yes, I was headed to Seattle, a city already known and discovered by my old travelling companion, who shall be known as my brother. As in family.

We agreed to meet and catch up on the happenings since last we parted ways.

Long ago I visited this place. It was grey. Dreary.

Fall in Seattle

Apparently they've never heard the phrase, "tone it down"

Not this time.

For the first time I was able to see the mountainous sides of the valley, the snow-capped peak of Rainier. Sunlight. Not rain. Clearly hell had frozen over, along with the river Styx, and Cerberus was neutered.

Until the next day. But that’s beside the point. Because there was beer, beautiful surroundings, and good family, friends, and friends soon to be family.

Seattle Back Yard

It was goddamn cold outside though...

In an effort to do that catching up we talked about, broseph and I popped into one of the myriad of new Tom Douglas establishments, Brave Horse Tavern.

Brave Horse Tavern

Only a few grains of barley were harmed in the making of this bar

I recounted the journeys taken in the previous week: wineries, forests, foodstuffs and fun. And that accursed game. But drink constantly we could do for only so long, and thus, a dinner out was planned at Crush.

Tuna Crudo

Tuna Crudo with delicious things


Lamb with more delicious things

The food was memorable, even if I can’t remember what the accouterment was with each platter, and the atmosphere, FABULOUS, although, I guess most of Capitol Hill is. Or so I’m told.

Sadly, I also had to return home.

The Odyssey aside, a funny thing happened. When I returned home, it no longer felt like home. It felt, foreign. Wrong. Like I didn’t belong.

I think, in some life, I was a west-coaster.

Maybe it’s this one…

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