In my zeal to eat as much fish as possible, finding new ways to cook it was becoming an issue. I suppose I didn’t have to cook it, but most of the fish I purchase isn’t what I’d call sushi grade.
It turns out that it’s perfectly legit to bake fish in the oven. Often I overlook the oven due to everything I make in it taking for freaking ever, but in fact this was just as speedy as on the cooktop.
Not to mention dead simple. Add seasoning, and bake at 400°F. Done.
Of course, I landed my fish on top of some basil leaves, and oiled the baking sheet to prevent sticking, but, that’s an exercise left to the reader.
Serve any way you choose.
I chose spinach and Sriracha.
Your munchies may vary.
Fish good. Fish in oven good. Fish with sriracha good. And yeah, the short cooking times are a wonderful thing about fish.
Nice pictures by the way. I wish I had the patience to improve my food photography skills, but alas, I don’t. Also, the lighting in my kitchen sucks for photos.